April 19-21, 2025

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Where magnetoplasmonics meets biology

Magneto-plasmonics is a relatively new field that has many great potential applications in biomedicine and biomedical technologies such as ultra-sensitive biosensing and bio-detection, bio-imaging, bio-therapy, drug-delivery, and nano-imaging, to name a few. A deep understanding of various factors influencing magnetoplasmon properties is an important step in the effort to design new magnetic sensors and devices. Although some progress on plasmonics has been achieved in the last few years, there is still a strong need to further investigate magneto-plasmonics, in order to better tune and control magneto-optic properties, as well as to increase the sensitivity of the magnetic bio-sensor through modification of the optical radiation, magnetic field, and structure.

This new field merges the physics of nano-magnetics, where biological samples such as cells and DNA are made to interact with magnetic moments of material in the transverse direction, and nano-optics, where biological samples are made to interact with optical radiation in visible, infra-red, and telecommunication wavelength ranges. In a similar manner, it merges nano-plasmonics where biological samples are made to interact with surface plasmonic wave fields, also referred to as evanescent radiation fields.