April 19-21, 2025

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Ultra-sensitive Sensors are not an Option, they are a Necessity 

Before, sensors were used to be just used for testing glucose level in humans, but now they have been developed to detect many dangerous diseases. As sensors have evolved, they now are needed more than ever with diseases such as many forms of cancer, and COVID 19 are prevalent. The problem is that there is a disconnect between what we need these sensors to do, and what they are currently capable of doing. That’s why we need ultra-sensitive sensors in order to detect diseases at the earliest stages because so many often get missed as a result of current detection limits. This is why we at Seed NanoTech, have come up with the concept of magnetoplasmonic sensor with sharp resonances, and high sensitivity and detection limits. Our approach is based on the combination of a specially designed metallic and ferromagnetic layers that are optimized to detect changes in the environment refractive index,  examined using magnetic activity in addition to the plasmonic and optical activities.

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